
If you haven't heard the news by now, Stan Lee has left us. Behind him now is a legacy that will forever be remembered. 2 worlds filled with heroes. RIP Stan Lee 1922-2018


2 thingsI need to say. One it's National Batman Day...i went out and bought a cake for this specific day with the bat symbol on it. My friend laughed and told me I have true dedication. Second although I'm fictitiously married to Bruce <3 ...this girl has herself a boyfriend. His name is Jordan and I'm 100% in love with him. He's the whole package. He asked me out by asking me if I could be the Sakura to his Sasuke....>< I went from single pringle to dating one of the most amazing guys I could meet


I just got my schedule because I start school Monday and I have three history classes. I have mandatory U.S History. That's okay. These two I didn't even sign up for. History Of Film (why is this a class?) and History of American Spanish(why is this a thing? I'm Spanish and I live in America. I don't need this class case closed) I didn't get choir even though that was the one elective I signed up for. The only two classes that I wanted that I got was Honors English 10 and Spanish 2. Then I have study hall. We already have a Study Hall which is called Tutor you during the middle school lunch. (Our school is a middle school and high school) Why is my principal an idjit?