
312 followers? thanks!


I am here many years too late, but I’ll do this for funnies 
          Favorite John Green Book: either The Fault in Our Stars or Turtles all the Way Down
          Any John Green book character you are most relatable/similar to and why: ooh, that’s hard. I think I gotta say Aza.
          Are you a Nerdfighter?: yesyesyes
          Other Reasons for Joining: none


Name : Bila 
          Favorite John Green Book: the Fault in our stars paper town looking for alakska almost all of his books –giggle-
          Are you a Nerdfighter?: yes hihihih 
          Any John Green book character you are most relatable/similar to and why-euuh i think 
          Margo Roth Spiegelman
           B’cuz When it comes down to making decisions, i’ll always do what is best for myself. I’m quick-witted and strong, but also tend to be vulnerable. Others are impressed by my intelligence hihihi , but also at my knowledge of music and fashion *-* . No one can ever truly get away with hurting me, because I’m too good at revenge 
          Reasing For  Joining  okay that’s because i’m intersted in john green’s writings hihihi I’m really in love with his books it inspire me to write


Aunque soy chica me gustaria decir que John green es mi escritor favorito en estos momentos estoy leyendo buscando a alaska ya e leido otros libros de el como bajo la misma estrella o ciudad de papel etc me gusta mucho leer 


@ kyga_11 tu me podrias pasar ciudades de papel es q no la encuentro 


Name Paige 
          Fave john Green book currently reading paper towns but I like Tfios
          Other reasons for joining 
          John green and hank green are awesome and their videos are awesome I 
          Would love to be apart of this fan club :)