
Hey everyone! I've switched over to writing on Vocal. Please follow this link to view my work --> I love you all and if you ever stumble into Vocal yourself I will be more than happy to check out your work. You do get paid by viewers so I'd be more than willing to help you out as well! Thanks! ❤️


I do not voice but I do put the voice to my thought,
          The only thought of voicing it up so you all can hear the cry of a soul so lost, will perhaps help you find the inner me. It occurred to me you've got a story, do share it with me of the world so dark maybe the light with it's rays will smile my way and do away the creases of my face....(to be continued)


Hey everyone! I apologize for my absence. If you've asked me to read your work, don't worry I did not forget! I'm still working on it. I've had a lot of harsh and trying times come my way so I've been away dealing with all of that non sense but I am incredibly grateful for your patience and I will be back shortly. ❤️