This profile is dedicated to all things Wattpad related.

I will post books about the latest wattpad updates with my opinion, do reviews of popular and not yet popular books, talk about "what's hot" books and authors and even occasionally, spill some tea on the drama that occurs in this orange community.

If you have some Wattpad tea you would like to spill, want to reccomend a book for me to review, email me

Remember, all tea you spill must be Wattpad related and your identity will be kept anonymous. If tea is TOO hot (meaning it will hurt others), sadly, I won't be able to spill.

I only spill sip-able tea *wink*

If you want to stay updated on this community, click the follow button.

Ps. I have another account but you won't know who I am :)
  • انضمFebruary 1, 2019

الرسالة الأخيرة
OfficialTeaKettle OfficialTeaKettle Jun 20, 2019 07:00PM
Im so disgusted by what's going on in Sudan. Rape, beatings, tortue, deaths to an extreme level. They're not allowed internet acess, phones wifi rn because the government wants to hide what's going o...
عرض جميع المحادثات

THE BIG BOOK OF REVIEWS بقلم OfficialTeaKettle
Here, I'll review some of my favorite books. If you want recommendations of good book, come here. And since...
11 قوائم قراءة