
Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Sorry for the deadness on our end in recent weeks. The holidays are a busy time for all of us! Am I right? 
          	But... we’ve got something special coming in the new year! As our account is slowly finding its footing, we want to host our first ever annual WPUA awards!!! :) 
          	Tons of entries, categories, genres, for writing, art, and even other things all together! It’s going to be incredible!!! And you don’t want to miss out ;) Stay tuned and tell your friends, because it’s coming really soon! All the best awards have more entries, and this is going to be one of the biggest awards outside of the Wattys!!! (That is, if we can get there ;) 
          	Our award covers every entry physically possible, along with some other nearly unheard of categories that should totally be an option! And the way we manage our judging ensures one of the most objective and not at all biased awards on this entire platform. Our incredible team is ready to answer any questions and assist you in all ways possible, so what are you waiting for?
          	Generals, I’ll be sending more info soon on our hangout, cause I’m going to need your help! 
          	And everyone, get your entries ready, because this could be your big moment <3
          	~ CIC Liberty


@cristalwrites Yes, we did, but when we underwent all the account changes and stuff, Liberty unpublished it for the time being. I am pretty confident it will return though :) 
          	  <> Everbloom


@OfficialWPUA just wondering, did you used to have an interview book?


Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Sorry for the deadness on our end in recent weeks. The holidays are a busy time for all of us! Am I right? 
          But... we’ve got something special coming in the new year! As our account is slowly finding its footing, we want to host our first ever annual WPUA awards!!! :) 
          Tons of entries, categories, genres, for writing, art, and even other things all together! It’s going to be incredible!!! And you don’t want to miss out ;) Stay tuned and tell your friends, because it’s coming really soon! All the best awards have more entries, and this is going to be one of the biggest awards outside of the Wattys!!! (That is, if we can get there ;) 
          Our award covers every entry physically possible, along with some other nearly unheard of categories that should totally be an option! And the way we manage our judging ensures one of the most objective and not at all biased awards on this entire platform. Our incredible team is ready to answer any questions and assist you in all ways possible, so what are you waiting for?
          Generals, I’ll be sending more info soon on our hangout, cause I’m going to need your help! 
          And everyone, get your entries ready, because this could be your big moment <3
          ~ CIC Liberty


@cristalwrites Yes, we did, but when we underwent all the account changes and stuff, Liberty unpublished it for the time being. I am pretty confident it will return though :) 
            <> Everbloom


@OfficialWPUA just wondering, did you used to have an interview book?


Guys, the bio isn't showing up when I'm not on the account itself? Does anyone else have that problem? Liberty, do you want me to see if I can fix it?


@OfficialWPUA Oh man... it's doing it again *sigh*


@GeneralEverbloom Yeah, I’ve noticed that... if you have to time to play with it, That would be great! Maybe we can figure it out, lol
            <> Liberty


Thank you so much to all of our new soldiers, captains, lieutenants, etc.! We couldn't be more excited to start working with you all! If you haven't received a message regarding your form yet, you will very shortly. And we have lots of ideas in store! 
          Of course, we couldn't be more anxious to continue to grow our team, so please, spread the word! We need an army XD 
          And on behalf of CIC Liberty, I want to once again let you all know how much you mean to us here <3 Don't hesitate to reach out should you yourself or anyone else be in need! We are here for you and the world <3<3<3 
          Thanks, everyone! And keep rolling in those forms! (link in our bio)
          <> General Everbloom


Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Wow, has it been a while! So sorry for the appearing inactivity, and to all of you who have stuck with us... we are so, so grateful <3 
          The generals and I (Liberty) are happy to announce that WPUA is officially revived and back on the radar! Please tag, spread the word, and come join us! We need all of you to make this mission a reality! 
          Attention to already existing members, PLEASE go to the new official guidebook or our bio and follow the link to fill out that FORM! That is important! You guys get top pick on roles, since we already know we can trust you, so we want to get those responses ASAP, por favor :) Thanks, guys! 
          And to all you newbies, don't be shy! Come check us out! And feel free to hit us with questions! ;) 
          Welcome back! 
          <> Commander in Chief Liberty


Just wondering, is this account still active?


@celestial_cinnamon Hello! Yes, it is! We are very active! We are undergoing some major revisions under the scenes right now, so things appear a bit slow if you aren't an involved member, but if you would like to become a member, you are more than welcome to check out the book and send me your form! We'd love to have you <3 And if you just want to be in the loop, stick around, because it's going to get super exciting soon :)  ~ Liberty


Hey, hey, hey, everyone! And look what's finally up for views! 
          The first interview of "Inspiration Interviews"! With an amazing and such an inspirational person, Emmalina, @kcgumgum8 . She has such a heartfelt story to share, and her outlook on life is breathtaking. It will surely change your life and fill you up inside, as it did for me during the interview. 
          Go check out her interview and her and all of her inspirational works! I promise you'll never be the same.
          Unfortunately, the amazing and ALSO breathtaking banner that Everbloom designed has not been able to be added yet, due to some technological issues with her canva account glitching, resulting in weird issues with trying to download the image. Parts of it are disappearing. If any canva users know how to fix this problem, PLEASE don't hesitate to PM me! Since this is causing Everbloom a lot of unnecessary stress.
          Anyways, we can't wait to hear from more of you, so please help us out if you have something to share! We want to publish all of you <3 And members, if you would like to assist in any part of the interview process, get interviewed, or even have any other ideas for this account, please PM me and we can chat! Or use the hangouts and message me privately. I would love to hear your thoughts! :) 
          Stay safe and love yourselves, everyone! I promise more will be coming soon! 
                                                                                             <> Liberty


Hey, hey, hey, everyone! The newest WPUC book is now live with the start of "Inspiration Interviews"! An interview book designed to bring to light the awesome, inspiring messages and stories of Wattpad users from all across the platform. 
          Want to share your inspiring story? Know someone who ought to be interviewed? Go check out the new book now! We're already accepting forms, and it's quite simple to fill out :) 
          Whether you're a depression and anxiety survivor, a fulfiller of long fought for dreams, an overcomer of bullying, or a battling warrior in life.... we want to bring your message to the world's eyes! And that's what these interviews are all about! 
          No cost whatsoever, and it's a great way to not only get some recognition for yourself... but to be a part of something BIGGER than yourself. Something truly special. 
          We excitedly await to hear your story! 
                                                                                                 <> Liberty


Hey, hey, hey, everyone! And guess what? 
          We passed the 20 member mark! Thanks to all of your support, tags, and shares, we have been able to reach others and do great things together. It's been such a miracle to watch :) 
          And the new hangouts chat has been a huge success! Members who haven't sent me their codename email addresses, please do so ASAP, if you would like to join, so I can add you into the chat! It's awesome to see you guys talking with each other <3 
          I hope to publish some more opportunities and fun things on this account, and if you have any ideas, please message me! I would love to hear how you think we could better reach people and this platform, because the more involved, the more we can reach! And I need all of your help <3 
          Once again, thank you for everything you all have done. This is such an amazing group of people, and I hope we can attract even more! 
                                                                                          <> Liberty