
Hey guys! I’m back! This account was abandoned for years! As of now, I’ll be updating as much as I can! Thank you to anybody who stood by! 


this message may be offensive
Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink. Rape is not a kink.


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@advice_hotline Give me their address I'll fuck em up 


@TYPICALSTAYARMY- I'll scream it from the Great wall of China if I have to.


Honestly, fat shaming is revolting. Any normal human being with decent manners wouldn't fat shame, yes? You don't even have to be a nice person in order to not do it. You just automatically know, "Hey, this person must be sensitive about their weight. I shouldn't say anything offensive." Do you know what else is revolting? Skinny shaming. Shaming someone because they're skinny is NOT giving them a compliment. Saying they have twigs for arms is NOT a compliment. Saying they're weak and fragile is NOT a compliment. Pointing out their thigh gap is NOT a compliment. Calling them flat chested is NOT a compliment. Grabbing their wrist, comparing it yours, or managing to wrap your fingers around it is NOT a compliment. Making fun of their hip dip is NOT a compliment. Saying they're 'anorexic' is NOT a compliment. Calling them out for having an 'eating disorder' is NOT a compliment. Making fun of someone's weight, whether they be overweight or underweight, is NOT acceptable. You wouldn't make fun of someone being fat, but you'd tell someone straight to their face to 'eat more' and 'gain weight.' Fat shaming is JUST as bad as skinny shaming.
          To all of you reading this, you're gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. I love your smile, so please do it more often. 
          Your weight is something only you take care of. Don't let someone shame you for it, for it's not their place to judge.