
I don't know why so may people are following me but I really appreciate it! Its nice of you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful day <3


My dude im looking at everyone who follows me to follow back and like you were one of em! <3 1. I saw your bio and it affected me greatly on an emotional level   2. I like you already xD (in a friendly way im taken dood)    3. I followed u bak xp


I have hit some major writer's block on The Darkness We All Bear. If anyone would like to continue the story, comment and feel free! I am going to post a knew story sometime,...
          Just might be awhile.


@MyLittleWinchester maybe i can pick it up after im done with the story im doing now and we can discuss it at school


Are you today's date? Because you're a 10/10 ;)


@MyLittleWinchester I posted this forever aho lmao 