
I am sorry I’m not responding to everyone guys I really am but I am currently in one of my depressive episodes so I find it really hard to find the motivation to do things now, including the things I enjoy and every negative emotion is multiplied so if you could just not tag me for a while that would be great. It wouldn’t normally effect me this much but it just makes me feel really guilty and I really want to but I just give up halfway through typing. This one literally took me two days. You have no idea how sorry I am for the inconvenience 


I am sorry I’m not responding to everyone guys I really am but I am currently in one of my depressive episodes so I find it really hard to find the motivation to do things now, including the things I enjoy and every negative emotion is multiplied so if you could just not tag me for a while that would be great. It wouldn’t normally effect me this much but it just makes me feel really guilty and I really want to but I just give up halfway through typing. This one literally took me two days. You have no idea how sorry I am for the inconvenience 


hey guys please check out my new book, "what can I predict" it is a new concept I am experimenting on and if you don't mind being a test subject/guinea pig, i would be really happy. Also I tried it on a few of my friends and it seemed pretty accurate.
          now i'm attempting it on people I don't know personally to eliminate bias. 
          Anyways, enough with the sciency talk. 
          pretty much head on over there and comment if you want me to try scientific/mathematical fortune telling on you.


Hey y’all
          I recently made a PJO x reader imagines/preferences book that is now available to look at for now, however it does not yet have any scenarios or stuff like that so y’all could request whatever that would be great!


Hey guys 
          I’ve been considering making a PJO x reader imagines/preferences book and I was wonder if you guys think I should


I saw your comment on my book in my notifications but for some reason it won’t let me comment so here I am.
          It means a lot to me that you are such a good person and didn’t believe those dillweeds. The situation has pretty much disappeared and with the help of my followers, friends, and the occasional nice soul, I’m getting better. So thank you for being one of those nice souls. :)


Wait why do they call you ranch


@___Annabeth_Chase___ That is awesome, my friends call me Adelaide, Garbonzo (don't ask), Adele, and Lady Gaga, and I can't sing!


Because I decided to call Adrian “Pip” which is short for “pipsqueek” 
            Which isn’t because he is tiny he’s actually pretty tall but he has a super high voice
            Anyways to get revenge for the nickname he called me Ranch because it starts similar to Rachel and I guess my friends found out and it stuck 
            Honestly it’s kind of growing on me and I still call Adrian Pip just for the record 