
fighting the urge to delete this whole board/account to hide the monstrosity I was the year 2020


Helloooo my dear followers, guess who’s back and better, this girl. Now as none of you may know I have been working on a serious book that I love deeply and have been working hard on. Though it only has the foreword posted I am currently almost done with the first chapter and drawing out the characters. I would love if you guys would go read it and start this journey with me but I also need to advise you that this is not a funny happy book so place read it with caution anyways here’s the link so you can check it out yourself 


I need more friend. So here's my friend application: do you watch the following shows; Bridgerton, MHA,  Miraculous Ladybug, Ginny and Georgia (just to name the most recent); are you ok with my randomness, playful flirting, and different moods; 13-15 (ask if not of age limit) 
          for further questions message me privately (i'm despite HELP-)


@kooma_the_taco sHHhhHH hehe you still my bestie


@Official_sloth Oop not me being two years over the age limit- 


Hey hey hey sorry for not doing this thing in a while but good morning, remember to eat food and drink water, also some more reminders your valid, your loved, your beautiful, aaaand I love you more then I love sparkles which is a lot ✨❤️ *gives u marshmallows and hot chocolate and crushed up peppermint if u want that in the hot chocolate* 


Thanks Taco, I really need that ❤️


Why guys I will be inactive for a while, this year was not it and 2021 did not start off at all like I planed. Currently my sister is in the emergency room with her head busted open and to be honest I’m not sure what is going to happen but I wanna get my life together for her so until I’m back on track ALL of my books will be on a small hiatus and my activity will be minimized. Thank you and I hope you understand.


@Official_sloth Thank god Im glad shes alright


@justablurr yeah thankfully she didn't crack the skull and got stitches, now she just very sensitive in that area