
So I put my son down to take a nap, a few hours had passed and I thought, it’s too quiet and he should’ve woken up to eat by now. When I went to check on him my little sister had him on her lap feeding him his bottle and there was milk everywhere! I need help!


So I put my son down to take a nap, a few hours had passed and I thought, it’s too quiet and he should’ve woken up to eat by now. When I went to check on him my little sister had him on her lap feeding him his bottle and there was milk everywhere! I need help!


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Ok…so for those of you that don’t know I’m emetophobic (fear of vomit) so you might think I freak out or cry when I even hear the word puke- hell no… for some reason I get really reallly violent .-. I don’t know if I need a psychiatrist or something… but apparently my mom thinks I do because I threaten anyone that pukes…I even punched the shit out of some kid for throwing up on this roller coaster I got on, do you guys have any advice?


@Officialcaseyjr Get a psychiatrist buddy ^⁠_⁠^


Why didn’t yall tell me that Dracula (hotel Transylvania) was so fine?


@Deathly_hallows72 LMAO I’m over him lol I like ponyboy Curtis now


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I was using my Nintendo switch- I downloaded Amanda the adventure- guys don’t fucking play that it’s nightmare fuel! She almost killed the damn sheep and she’s a demon!


@DonniesBattleShelll RIGHT!? It was so eerie for no reason