Okay I admit I haven't read your story yet but when I saw the name I had to click. I'm Normansgirl62, so naturally this caught my . I'm giving it a read and I comment frequently so buckle up and here I go.
Hey there! Thank you for being such an amazing influence on my writing! I finally felt inspired enough from your words and have started my own Daryl Dixon book! It would mean the world if you check it out.
@itsthemoonbaby sorry this is so late of a reply but to answer your question, I'd like to continue with it. It's just so much has happened in my life here lately that I haven't been able to sit down and write like I used to.
I’ve been reading ‘Complicated’ I just finished chapter 18 and apparently the photo got flagged, I was wondering if you can send me the photo that the chapter is based on?