Ya'll, IM GETTING A BIRD. Well granted, after Quarentine. Probably in like, June or July because who cares because I actually get one? I was thinking of naming it Blu, because all Turquoise Green cheeked condur's are blue feathered and its a gender neutral name, because apparently gender is hard to tell with these birds because you can't tell by a beak color like you can with Finches

@ListeningBibliophile and I've been caring for my dogs my whole life, as well as outdoor cats. So I know how to handle animals, especially ones that need to be handled gently because I've held newborn puppies and cared for them, and Ive held my grandpa's puppy, I've dogsat for my grandparents, and my puppy Jake was abused and I knew how to handle him without being seen as a threat

@OhOhTheRoseIsBurning You're responsible so I'm sure you'll be able to take care of it correctly especially since you helped take care of your grandparent's birds.

@ListeningBibliophile my grandpa had birds, and so did my grandma. I actually helped care for them so I know a few things, I've been getting more research though