But for real ALL CREDITS TO THIS AWEOSMOE AUTHOR SEDRFTGHJK I can never find top Yaku-NOT EVEN FOR YAKUNOYA-But they did L e v Y a k u with T o p Yaku! *clap clap* R E S P E C T
So, I am being nice and giving everyone 2 MORE DAYS to guess my birthday before revealing the winner! Soooo like I said before good luck and have your ideas in mind-
@rainmazed Oh, Well it was this month but xD it was mentioned in my react book but someone already guessed it-BUT! Your still free to request oneshots (Check react book for more details)
I want to wish EVERYONE a happy new years! 2020 has been a T e r r i b l e year...lets hope there is more hope in 2021!
If its not 12 am for you yet at 11:59 stand on only your right leg so when its 2021 you starts your years on the right foot!