As someone that falls under the trans umbrella I have to say that I am very sad about JK Rowling's open transphobia. I still love the Harry Potter series and fandom but I will no longer be tying it to her. As of right now -and forever- (in my opinion) Harry Potter is no longer good because of her amazing writing skills but because of the wonderful fandom that came from it. While her many book series are amazing, and the movies are good I will never purchase anything tied to her - even if she does "apologize" for blatantly saying that an entire minority group is not valid with unfiltered homophobia.
It's incredibly disgusting that someone with so much influence has such backwards opinions. Opinions and actions that could very well be compared to those like Donald Trump or Derek Chauvin. People are banding together and protesting things like racism against the black community and are getting harmed for standing up for what they believe in. And what do they believe in? Equality. Something as simple as not being treated like trash for being "different"; black, apart of the LGBTQ+, ect. We as the younger generation need to make the world better. The older generations (before late Xennials) have screwed all of us over, and are continuing to do so. It sucks but there's nothing we can do alone that will make an actual impact. So for the sake of minorities, especially black lives, please show your support in any way that you can. Because people tend to listen to a majority, and change needs to happen fast.