
@Taylor_J_Horan yay :) I'll read it :D


Hey guys :) I’m sorry that Chapter 8 took longer than I said it would. I got grounded the day I said I was putting up the chapter, and sneaking on the computer isn't the easiest thing to do. Well, it’s out now, so I hope you guys like it :D xx Taylor :)


Okay so here's what's up :) I'm at my dad's job using freakin Internet Explorer. And we all know that's slower than slow... /: I'm dowloading Google Chrome right now, because this is just ridiclous and that's taking forever too :'( OMFG #TheFreakinStruggles !! ....anyway I'm typing Chapter 8 to New Beginnings right now :D And then I'm writing another song too. So that might be up tonight as well. Then I'll definetely update dark, so there's a lot going on tonight :D Hope you guys enjoy everything :D x Taylor :)