I might have just updated With Eyes Like the Moon. (aka, that werewolf story I was working on.)
On another note, I apologize sincerely for leaving you guys hanging for so long with both my stories. I've been a fan to many stories that have never been completed. It sucks, I know. Weird stuff has happened this past year, the most amazing thing having been finding my soulmate.
While Mad Love was on hiatus, I've been living my own love story. And you guys would like him - he keeps telling me I should get back to writing. :P
So, here I am. A new chapter to Mad Love should be out soon-ish, but no promises as to the time. In the meantime, check out With Eyes Like the Moon.
Again, I'm sorry and I've missed you all very deeply. And now, back to writing. Woot!
Amanda (Ohainurse)