
Goodnight, Wattpad. Goodnight.


this message may be offensive
I'm logging out. This might be permanent, but right now I think it'll be temporary. Life generally sucks, and OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED
          this time, last year, i "left" Wattpad. back when i was in control.
          I'll come back when I have that again, or at least until I'm comfortable without control over this. It could be anywhere from a month to four years. If I'm coming back, it'll be by 2021. My reason for this is that I'll be 18 by then, able to do whatever I like online. I'm sorry.
          I'll always be back, bitches.


See, I want to continue Can't You Save Me, but...
          OH MY GOD. NO.
          This CANNOT be my "leaving the fandom speech"
          ...can it?
          I honestly have no idea. I have my days where I'm all like "erhmagerd oondertoul"
          But for every day like that, there's two more "meh" days. And the numbers are starting to add up.
          If I'm being 100% honest, I used to hate the guts of anyone who "left" the fandom. I was all like "bUT I DON'T WANT TO BE ALone friENd"
          I'm not leaving. I'll never leave. I'm just not as committed as I used to be. This place just doesn't feel the same anymore.


Erich wasn't rude to me today. Maybe the talk our group had got to him. Maybe he spontaneously changed. It'd be pretty damn awesome if he read my status update about him, though.
          ...you know what? Maybe I'm the one who stopped being rude. Was it both of us who stopped together? Did one of us stop and so the other did as well? I may never know.
          What I do know is that he's pretty cute and I absolutely hate it.
          Damn I'm ranting about a guy who I just met and is probably gay.