
You know, there was a real person named Karl Andreyev. He seemed like a real lovely person, but unfortunately he died playing chess. 
          	There's no reason behind this post, I just wanted to talk about this guy.


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I fucking hate Vivziepop and everything she has ever made.


@OijTehDuck I was a fan of her work a few years ago. I thought the Hazbin Hotel show seemed like a good idea, the Princess of Hell and a bunch of misfit demons trying to manage a hotel that redeemed sinners sounded fun. Same thing with Helluva Boss, a bunch of misfit demons trying to manage a business. But both shows ended up being more drama driven other than comedy. A lot of people, including me, watched both shows for the comedy, now that's barely scratching the surface. Sure, there are some jokes here and there, but they don't hit as good. I got so used to hearing the characters using Swears and Sex Jokes all the time (which is supposed to be the main type of jokes in these shows) in their dialog, it doesn't phase me anymore. To many characters to keep track, So much "lore" that isn't in the show apparently (what people tell me). And the Music! It's 50/50 for me, if it's catchy I'll like it, if it's just ok, it's ok. I haven't seen the new episodes of Helluva Boss because I'm just tired at this point. Do I hate it? Not really. Do I like it? Eh-. If some people like it that's ok. I'll just watch something else. 


My career is pretty much dead at this point, which I'm fine with. I'm cool with just making stories for the hell of it instead of pandering to a specific audience. 
          All that's left is for me to finally finish that Total Drama Reboot video and I can finally leave Total Drama behind until I eventually come back for whatever reason.


welp. im glad i never made a tiktok episode with the fake charli demillo dance    and have an old man get cucked by his friend and previous bitchy wifey while the most annoying character with every mental illness in the book fucks over her team and gets eliminated by technicality. 
          that's just me


Starting the next draft, that means rewatching both seasons. 
          So, instead of leaving you guys in the dark, I'm gonna start streaming my reactions of the season on Twitch.
          (You do not know, the extent of my pure, unbridled misery with this goddamn show.)


I'm also on Instagram, @oijduck


@OijTehDuck yep, it's the same name as my Wattpas