
Anyone want to do a touch starved sanders sides RP? I’m down for anything but Romantic Logicality or Remrom


this message may be offensive
I hate how some people can suddenly change to assholes.
          This one person I know has gone from, “okay!! Talk to you soon! Love you!!” Whenever I leave to “oh... alright, guess you don’t want to spend time with me. I figured. Bye.”
          Bitch, I have school and shit that isn’t you now. You can fuck off and let me sleep. 
          How do you even deal with people like that?


@hidden_reputation I talked with them about it and it’s been dealt with. Thank you for trying to help, though!!


            Are you able to hear the tone they are using when they say those things? Like when they say the negative stuff are you talking over text or are you able to hear their voice?


Hello, Love! 
          It's been a while. I'm checking to see how you're doing. And sorry that I haven't been texting much. It's only been almost a month and school is already kicking my butt. But I hope you're doing fine. Did you make any friends? You should tell me about them sometime. Also we should hang out soon. I would love to chill with you. I don't mind if it's a sleepover or a simple hang out day, either is good with me. How have you been doing? Any thing you need to talk about? 
          Oh sorry for asking a lot of questions. I feel like it's been forever and I want to catch up with you! 
          Also your amazing! ILY for ever and always! 


Hey, Aubs!
            Yeah, same here. School is a jerk here too. I’m doing well, made a few friends. They’re nice. Maybe if you come up around here at some point we can hang out. Just somewhere within an hour. Not really much to talk about besides school, but I have missed you. PM me or text me when you have time to talk more. Love you!