
I haven't been notifications for any of my stories for the past week. Is anyone else having this problem?


HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH! We have the shortest month but we know our history is 365 days a year, not just 28!
          Fun fact: Historian, Carter G. Woodson chose February to honor the births of the Incredible Frederick Douglas (2/14/1818) and President Lincoln (2/12/1809) 


Ola! Thank you so much for reading A&Y. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed reading your thoughts, feedback and comments so much! ❤️. I hope we meet again on my other book and, if not this, on another one, and if not, then I hope we cross paths again! ✨


You’re welcome, but the thanks go to you for sharing such a well-written, swoon-worthy, at times frustrating, and informative story! I’m so happy I came across your book and decided to take a chance on it. I learned so much about Islam, the Muslim culture, and regional differences and gained a better understanding of it. I’ll be sure to check it out! (Sorry for the late response. It takes me forever to message) 


Yo wanted to hop by and say Happy Holidays. Thank you for your time, thank you for your care. And most of all thank you for being you!


@Ola1046 aww happy to answer the question. God knows I've caught issues cos of it.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Girl, stawp, you’re making me blush. LOL. Ah, I’m happy you appreciate the support and enjoy my comments. Thank you for being you, too! I’ve only been on this site for about two years now, and I love being able to interact with writers. So, I do appreciate you commenting back and answering my questions. 


Hey girl! 
          I just received all the notifications from Wattpad. I somehow managed to not see any comments for a week lmao. 
          I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far!
          Thank you so much for the love! I appreciate it! ♥️


Honestly, Wattpad be janky af! Sometimes I get notifications for books that haven’t been updated or nothing at all. I really enjoyed the story and I hope you update again :)) 