
I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up..


isn't it just amazing when most of your real friends are older than you and then you realize none of them look at you as a friend, but more of a confused little kid..?-
          Just when I start trusting people again..


For me the first half is true, but the second half isn't.
            Because I see you as both my dad and older brother 


"If you forgive a person, but you hang on to the anger, the pain, and the hurt, and you say you forgave the person, then you don't understand what forgiveness really is. Forgiveness is not for the other person, it's for you." 
          - Dr. Phil.


"If I'm having a panic attack, or if I'm telling you how sad I am, or how I actually feel. Try a hug. It's 'Mental Illness' 'Mental Illness' 'Mental Illness' It's not like 'my child feels horrible about themself, let me give them a hug.' It's 'Take your medicine." It's "Do you need to go to a hospital?" It's "Do you-..." It's 'Mental Illness' Before it's me. 
          - Not me.