
I have found a ship that I have a problem with
          	Who in holy hell decided that Reynico was a good idea??!!??? 
          	I just want to say: honey he gay
          	Also like, I know that Reyna isn’t canonically queer but come on, i think most of us know that she has at least a l i t t l e bit of a thing for Thalia. 
          	That is all thank you for coming to my Ted talk  


I also just want to say that this is PURLEY my own opinion I’m just saying what I personally think about it you are welcome to have different ideas


I have found a ship that I have a problem with
          Who in holy hell decided that Reynico was a good idea??!!??? 
          I just want to say: honey he gay
          Also like, I know that Reyna isn’t canonically queer but come on, i think most of us know that she has at least a l i t t l e bit of a thing for Thalia. 
          That is all thank you for coming to my Ted talk  


I also just want to say that this is PURLEY my own opinion I’m just saying what I personally think about it you are welcome to have different ideas