Hi, my name's Liv and there is 98% chance that I hate you. You might fit in that 2% if you own a dog or have pizza.

I love to read and write anything that comes to mind, so this profile is just going to be my spilled emotions on paper, depending on my mood.

If you're going to be racist, homophobic or generally an asshole then you can click far far off of my profile, you are not wanted here.

I spend way too much time with my nose buried in a book, but I see it as an escape from the shitty world surrounding me.

I may or may not post any works on here because most are really shitty or have had their plot line COMPLETEY ALTERED BY A SHITTY ENGLISH TEACHER WITH MUMMY\SON ISSUES. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Love, Liv xx
  • JoinedJune 13, 2013