
I feel like stuff kinda sucks right now even though it doesn't, I mean, most things are going right for me, why do i feel like I messed up somehow? What could I even have messed up? Everything's been great, really, I watched the fireworks (happy late fourth <3) with my best friend (crush???????), I'm learning to drive, I'm home from Washington, I have everything I need (except my friend group rahhh) so why do I feel so sad about it therapists and smart people of Wattpad please heed my call 


I feel like stuff kinda sucks right now even though it doesn't, I mean, most things are going right for me, why do i feel like I messed up somehow? What could I even have messed up? Everything's been great, really, I watched the fireworks (happy late fourth <3) with my best friend (crush???????), I'm learning to drive, I'm home from Washington, I have everything I need (except my friend group rahhh) so why do I feel so sad about it therapists and smart people of Wattpad please heed my call 


A woman woke up on the street. She had no memory of anything before waking up. Not her name, age, family.
          Lost amongst the old dusty streets, she stumbled into an old dusty office.
          There was a man working there, clever lines creasing his forehead and matted hair, no longer washed, no longer cared for.
          "Can I help you?" The man asked.
          "I'm not sure," the woman replied, "I have no idea who I am, or what happened. I just woke up here."
          The man chuckled, "maybe I have the solution!"
          He pointed to a rusty machine, glowing wires and buttons and whatnot carefully attached to the side. "That," he said, "is a time travel machine."
          The woman pondered, "will it help me figure out where I am?"
          "Maybe it will help you remember. I haven't considered all the statistics, but it's very possible. Are you willing to be my test subject?"
          She paused, "you've not tested it before?"
          "No. That's why I'm asking you to test it."
          The woman nodded, that seemed like good reasoning.
          "If the machine works, which it will, come back here in the past and let me know."
          The woman nodded again, and hopped into the strange machine.
          There was a flash of light...
          And a woman woke up on the street. She had no memory of anything before waking up. Not her name, age, family.
          Lost amongst the old dusty streets, she stumbled into an old dusty office...
          "Can I help you?"


            A baby was left at an orphanage. No-one knew yet, but she had a rare genetic disorder.
            She grew up, eventually. She left the orphanage when she became an adult and ended up hooking up with a guy at a bar. She got pregnant.
            When she was giving birth, there were complications involving her genetics. She emerged from the birth a male.
            The father of the child came and took it away, leaving it at an orphange...
            i didnt tell it as well as my dad told me so i hope u understand it


@OllieForeverdot but oh noooo she don’t know it workedddd


I feel so embarrassed and anxious for no reason 


@OllieForeverdot That's human emotion! It's complete natural so don't beat yourself up for it!


            Welcome to my school life


Let's binGO, bitch *puts up my tiny fists*


@OllieForeverdot oh okay XD and thank you! :3


            Lmao good for you XD I was joking to just make it clear


          Everyone check out this new band (RLY ORY), they've only released one song so far but my brother is a friend of theirs and I think they should get some support for their music career, one that I think will go very far. Give them some love!!


            Yes, but it's not my place to disclose that information yet


            *18 monthly listeners*
            but its actually good 
            do u know how old they are roughly?? i can tell they're young


Listen I know I'm not good at aesthetics and fonts and cool stuff like that but please give my fic a chance??? I know there are people who follow me who apply to things all the time so PLEASE at least check it out? Or share it to people who actually will want to? I don't want to have to unpublish it since I've had high hopes for this one but if not it's okay