
yo do we fw billie bust up


If you're reading this and use C.ai, it would be greatly appreciated if I could have your feedback on this. Thanks in advance!
          (i use new c.ai, but only because my old c.ai glitches a lot)
          I logged out of C.ai because it was glitching a little, and my chats weren't showing up...But when I tried log back in was the real problem. I've tried at least 30 times, but the email is not sending. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
          Again, thank you in advance.


just realized, we're both huge people pleasers lmao
          i personally cant NOT help people. even if they say not to, im bound to do it like its an autoimmune response or sumn


@OllieLovesTaco fr like they will tell me that they dont need it but imma do it anyways cuz i treat people how i wish to be treated and it's working


@AUserShe real lmao i relate to that