I'll go away
Like the bird(s) in the winter
No need to stay
No need to worry yo(u)
No need to make sure (I)'m alright
I'll be okay
Though my thoughts aren't better
Please just don't (c)ry
Please just don't m(i)ss me
Please just stay happy
I'll be out of your way
No one to bring you (d)own
With br(a)in malfunctions
With scary (l)ate night text
With (t)riggers from every corner
I'll just go away
Even t(h)ough I love you
I have to set y(o)u free
I have to protect yo(u) from me
I have to let you (g)o
But it's (h)arder than I (t)hought
(S)o I'll try again tomorrow
I'll go away
Like the bird(s) in the winter
No need to stay
No need to worry yo(u)
No need to make sure (I)'m alright
I'll be okay
Though my thoughts aren't better
Please just don't (c)ry
Please just don't m(i)ss me
Please just stay happy
I'll be out of your way
No one to bring you (d)own
With br(a)in malfunctions
With scary (l)ate night text
With (t)riggers from every corner
I'll just go away
Even t(h)ough I love you
I have to set y(o)u free
I have to protect yo(u) from me
I have to let you (g)o
But it's (h)arder than I (t)hought
(S)o I'll try again tomorrow
@itschill yeah Lol, I read it in 7th grade. I have always wanted to be that "safe person" that people could come up to amd talk about any of there problems