@KaijuBird My plan was for Hass to not show up until the third and final arc/season of “Riptide” to serve as this big “final boss” antagonist, and for his two major foils to be as we just mentioned, Lutzow, and Kraken. How in the end their cut from the same cloth, created with only a sole purpose in mind, to bring death upon the enemy. And then breaking their chains and thinking for themselves, and coming to two different conclusions, Hass wanting to destroy humanity for creating him, for the world mocking him, watching as people like Lutzow surround themselves with friends and loved one alike, and express emotions he cannot comprehend, and it drives him insane.
While Kraken seeks to understand humanity, to see what makes us human, and why we are so unique, and while humanity may not always be around “A thing is not beautiful because it last.” And that is how I picture an interaction between Hass and Kraken. Basically the severe at the end of Age of Ultron where Vision, an android and Ultron, an AI discuss the philosophical merits of Humanity.