
Chapter Thirteen of Saving Shaw has been posted. This chapter comes with a mature scene posted in my "Restricted Scenes" collection for those of you who want to read it. As always thank you to those who are reading and following along with this adventure!


Hi I'd like to start by saying your a great writer but I'm wondering a couple of things......1- would you ever finish the false mate book and 2- would you complete the lone she wolf trilogy.....it's a great series.
          Please keep up the great work and I look forward to reading the next chapters for these stories


Chapter Thirteen of Saving Shaw has been posted. This chapter comes with a mature scene posted in my "Restricted Scenes" collection for those of you who want to read it. As always thank you to those who are reading and following along with this adventure!


Chapter Twelve of Saving Shaw is up! Sorry it's a day later than usually, but it is the longest chapter so far and interesting things happen for those of you that want to check it out. As always, thank you to my followers reading along!


Chapter Ten of Saving Shaw is up for those of you who would like to read it! I've also uploaded a new poem in my poetry collection on here for all you poetry nerds out there. Feel free to take a few minutes to read them over. Other than that, have a great weekend everyone!


Hey, thanks for voting on my new project! It's been a minute :]


@castleinthesky It definitely has been! I always love supporting my writer friends and I think this new project is going to be great!


Chapter Six or Saving Shaw has been posted! Thank you to those of you who are reading (all four of you)!
          Sorry it’s later than usual, but technically it’s still Friday for another hour and a half  =)


You are an awesome writer.