
Heellooo. I updated Once Upon A Dime. Please check it out! :)


WHAAATTT. Grauduating? I'm jealous now. :P Hahahah. Wow. Thats so cool. Phew. Thank goodness you're still alive. hahahah. You looking forward to graduating? :) Soon you'll be old, maaannn. :P all grown up and stuff. what are you graduating as? :D And school, same old same old. :/ Having a two month break now. A lot of camps coming up and a lot of planning. Im in the camp commity and stuff :)


@kalahellis Oh wow. Haha, lol. I can't take credit for that. I didn't write that book!Someone else did. I liked it so I put it in my READING LIST ;) the book I'm writing is called Once Upon A Dime and its just below my About me section. The one that says Works. I wrote THAT. The rest isn't mine :)


@Matteycmcg LOL. Well, my English and mandarin is okay. But omigosh, BM? (Bahasa Malaysia) TIS A VERY REDUNDUNT LANGUAGE TO LEARN. I kinda didn't have a say in learning it cause its our national language. But really, its really stupid and I hate it a lot.  >.< As for me being fluent though, English and mandarin is fine. MY BM sucks like crap heheh. But I still speak it and learn it. :P I've always wanted to learn Spanish or french cause it sounded cool though ;)