
Hey everyone been a while but I'm back with a few ideas and ready to continue a few of my books 


Hey everyone.. I'm just wondering...what do u all think I should do with Unspoken Love??? Its complete and like I've said Unspoken Life is u all think I should tag it in on a contest or what??? Let me know whenever... Give me a few suggestions ok byeeee for now :)


Hey everyone omg I finished Unspoken Love but there's more coming soon don't worry... Now I'm gonna be publishing more of my poems cause I have TONS of new ones just for you guys. I'm soooooooo happy its been awhile since I've been this excited...I remember when I first started writing Unspoken Love a few months back...and of course my other books.. I have sooo many ideas I just need to figure out what I'm gonna publish first.. But don't worry I got more for you all. Just stick around and wait patiently cause I'm gonna be BUSY writing lol. Anyways follow,like,comment and have a good day smiling. ^-^


Hello all sorry I've disappeared for a little bit.. I was and I'm still dealing with some personal stuff..I decided to punch my tablet and cracked my screen :( I'm I'm horrible, anyway I gotta save up for a new one it will take a little so keep hangin around cause I will be updating Unspoken Love tomorrow. I'm sorry again :( but hopefully I'll be updating my books a little more once I get a new tablet :) anyway try I'll update later on in life (tomorrow) thx tho for all those who have been reading my books follow me if u haven't already...bbl