Hey guys, it's me (one of the people that ran this account), idk how many of you will see this (so imma tag the peeps following this account) but this account is now dead, and I will be writing our book 'Falling For You' on my account! I lost the login details to this account and my bff doesn't really write on Wattpad anymore so I'll just be continuing this on my main account. Thanks! xx @AhtibatCodnob1314 @layern7777 @starbtght @rainb_ows @thandy2 @JulesValeska @Scaryordie5 @Amelia_Huerta @DaughterOfPoseidon53 @Hunter_of_Shadows_7 @k_pittbull @Jinpyx @I_am_heere @SilveronDie @hermon____ @ryanshelby15 @MARVELllousss @nicotineloverr @Flying_Away-