this message may be offensive
Lil announcement:
I fully support incestual relations, if you are uncomfortable with this fact, please unfollow me.
This is not for attention nor arguments, but Wattpad is one of few places where I express myself with no censorship and I want everyone to know who I am before deciding if they're comfortable with me as a person. It'll just be easier that way.
I will not force my way of thinking onto anyone, nor will I shame those who disagree. I'm just very open about liking and supporting incest, and if someone isn't okay with that, then they shouldn't be here.
It's hard to explain, but I mean this all very politely. I don't mean it as "fuck you for not agreeing with me", I mean it as "I don't want you to be uncomfortable".
And suddenly not supporting incest to make people more comfortable is not an option for me, as I truly believe it needs more support.
Thank you and have a good day/evening/night