
Hi Omnomnom - good lordy that's a long name XD Thank you so much for your voting on Binary Love. I really appreciate it and I hope you continue to enjoy Binary Love. Best Wishes!


I love the concept and it’s really well written :) lmao I love the user because it’s never taken 


Hi, thanks so much for voting for A New Wolf Life. It means loads to me.
          I also have to say, I love your Wattpad name, omnomnom. Teehee!


Heyo, sorry for the late reply lol, I love the different take you have written on werewolf society, it’s fascinating the changes to the common werewolf lore you have made :)
            Also thanks man, I try to own up to my love of terrible dead old memes early lol


Thanks heaps for all the votes on A Dragon's View. I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the book; I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the series!


Sorry for the late reply, the new notification system drives me nuts so I tent to ignore all the message notification lol. I’ll do my best ha, I gotta get me my dragon fiction fix :p