Hello everybody! I'm sliding in to ask once more: If you enjoy my stories and think you know other people who will, please ask them to follow me or at least give my stories a read! I love my small community very much and would LOVE to see it grow! Please help me to do so <3
Reminder: If you have suggestions, please please PLEASE comment them and I will do my best to write it! If you enjoy either of my stories, I implore you to please share them with anybody you think might enjoy them as well!
I will try my best to communicate as much as I can with my followers through comments and announcements, and hopefully I can find room to get much better at it!
With this being said, if you take an interest to either one of my stories and want to see something happen or recommend a plot addition, please comment! If you don't want to comment because you're embarrassed or think it's stupid (or even if you want it prioritized), don't be! I'll also take these recommendations and requests through direct messages!
Disclaimer: I ask very kindly of everybody who views my stories to be kind and respectful. As long as you reply to comments in a respectful way, people are allowed to have differing opinions and points of view. If you dislike my stories, I ask that you simply click away instead of spreading hate. My stories are for the people who enjoy them.
Also, if you'd like a part of a story dedicated to yourself or somebody else, DM me and I'll immediately see to it!
Lastly, keep an eye out for Part Three of 'Road Trip' coming either today or tomorrow, as requested by one of my lovely readers <3 You know who you are.
Everybody take care, and I wish you all the best of luck going into the new month of June. If taking finals, I am sending you good thoughts and luck. You've got this! Each and every one of you are smart, beautiful, and have it in you to do tremendous things for the world. Don't let doubts or negativity get you down. You are bright, you are triumphant. <3
- Ryan