I suppose an excuse after being M.I.A. for over a year now wouldn't be appropriate.
So, with that in mind, the only reason I can give you or whoever else sees this post, is that I am simply lazy and out of ideas.
I started all three of my stories when I was 13. Now I'm 16, my writing has improved and Lord knows how DESPRATELY, I want to scrap all three of them. Just bad writing, cliche ideas, bad grammar . However, this is not what I will be doing.
I will be continuing each of my stories, even if at this point it really seems like a stretch. I have betas for 'Strawberry-Scented Reality' and 'Altered Friendships' now so there I am going to be editing my past mistakes, which are many, as well.
I don't like to leave anything unfinished -- as a reader myself, I know how it feels when an author does that. But unfortunately, I cannot garuntee a steady update scheduele. The only thing I can say for sure is the update-cycle between each of my stories will continue and 'Altered Friendships' is next on my list.
Sorry is pretty pointless at this point as well so to whoever reads this post, I hope you can understand.
Thank you.