
It has been quite a long time since I last opened wattpad. Today a sudden feeling of nostalgia hit me, and every fiction I’ve read from this account flashed before my eyes. It would be amazing to read every one of your fictions just one more time. I hope that you will republish them one day. Love ya! 


Odoogoos 4-5jiliin umnu anh Wattpad gedeg zuiliig medej avc bailaa. Anh buh zuil ni shine sodon uneheer gaihaltai yurtunts, oron zai met ter uyiin joohon ohind sanagdaj bailaa. Yg l ter uyd tanai bicveruudig unshij dogdloh uydee dogdloj, bur uilah uydeec uilj tegej ih gun gunzgii avtdag baiv. Odoo tom bolj barg sardaa neg udaal shagaij hardag engiin  ng App boljee. Odoo bodohnee durtai zuilsee ylanguya tanai bicveruudig unshij suuh ni nadad mash tom “relax” boldog baij. Odoo ter medremjiig medrehiig husej urt udriin daraa “Wattpad” gedeg zuiliig sanan orj ireh bolovc ter medremj alga bolson ni tun haramsaltai….. I miss old days. 


Hamgiin anh wattpad-d orj ireed bichveruudiin unshsan profile. Anhniihaa bichveruudee tiim chanartai gaihaltai zuils olj unshij wattpad-s orsondoo unher bayrtai baidgaa. Odoo ch tom bolj zawgu bolood umnuh shigee amidralaa zoriulahaa bolison ch yah argagu chuhal ayulgu gazar min. Tiimes bichech nariga yagad togtmol bichij chadahgu baigag adilhan l oilgoj baigaa ch bichveruudee pub hiiged uldechij bolohgui gejuu setgelee devteej unshmaar sanagdah ymaa. Yah argagu anh unshij baisan bichveruudee ih l sanah ymdaa. Guij baina‍♀️


Yooooo uneeeeeenn 