
I now have a YouTube channel.


          	  It's on this account(OnTheMainLane) if you show more of the bio and scroll down. And if you type on the link you'll get to my channel.


I now have a YouTube channel.


            It's on this account(OnTheMainLane) if you show more of the bio and scroll down. And if you type on the link you'll get to my channel.


Some note graph for a creepy game:
                January 1rst, 1556
                The nights were terribly cruel, the snow had blocked every door. No children could go to school, no man or woman could go to work. Everyone was forced to go inside their homes. but no one knew how dangerous it would get.
                Everyone was excited to stay home and take a day off, but that excitement would soon turn into terror. The children first saw that there was something wrong, they tried to warn their parents but no body would listen until it was too late.
                The adults brushed it off and told the children their imaginations were wild but failed to see the fear in their childrens eyes.
                After the children gave up trying to convince the adults that there was something wrong it was not long after there were screams of pain and fear.
                It was bloody, very few adults, teens and tweens survived the massacre. None of the children who warned survived. You could tell the parents wished to believe their kids. But what could they do? The snow had piled the doors and windows. The only reason that people could get out was the broken windows that the creatures broke after they had broken into.
                Now all he have is hope. Hope that whatever is in the village goes away, hope to survive, hope that the creatures doesn't find us, and hope that it can go back to normal soon
                -Argon G. Smith