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[ [ I M P O R T A N T ! R E A D , P L E A S E A N D T H A N K S ] ]
Sorry I'm never on anymore, and never get to update. It's just that people and school are stressing me out, and I have a bunch a shit on my shoulders at the moment. It may be awhile before I update, because I have a feeling I am going to have a horrible report card, and people will be pushing me more, and having me stressed more. So, I'm sorry if I don't get to update for awhile. When I have time, and am in the mood, I promise I will be writing, and trying to update as soon a possible.
I would also like to know (if you are reading any of my fanfics), what one you are reading, if you are reading more then one, please go on my message board and tell me, just so I know what one to update faster then the others.
[ [ O K A Y , T H A N K Y O U F O R R E A D I N G ! ] ]