
Helloooooo there, peeps! Been a while! I'm thinking of deleting my fanfictions, I have Sunshine and McShizzle on Fanfiction.net and will probably leave it there but I think I will move everything off here. What do you think??


So sorry for being absent for sooo sooo long! I just wanted to say, I am working on things and I will hopefully have new artwork and chapter for TAOSAM up by the end of May! (And maybe even a short story, but probably not until June sometime). And when I have posted those things, I will have a special something to reveal!! ;D Hopefully you don't hate me for STILL not having anything! I promise I'm working on everything I can right now!


AAAAND, I've got Lie Ren posted, and a new contest entry! It's about life/death and I'm not really sure how to describe it... Check it out! Working on Nora Valkyrie now, her art should be posted by the end of the week if I get time. It's a break for me this week, but things are about to get crazy, and I have homework I should probably get to... K, bye!


It's been a while! How is everyone?? Hopefully I haven't been forgotten! I've got Thursday/Friday off this week (like, I get to stay home from school) and so I'll work heavily on writing/drawing/posting/talking. (But my sister will be home from college for those days, too, so I'll spend some time with her!)
          I miss talking to all of you!