
this message may be offensive
So like, yesterday i do my daily bike ride
          	Lmao seeing and reading this?
          	Ima just talk and rant to myself
          	So like, yesterday i do my daily bike ride
          	And there was this kid i didn't know, he asked me about another kid i didn't know. When i said that i didn't know anyone by that name, he asked me about the biggest drama queen in my grade.
          	Ima just name her Karen
          	So he asked me if i knew Karen, Karen is also a bitch, a slut (she's dated like, 20 different guys. Older and younger) she puts me deeper into depression most of the time
          	She's pretended to be my "Best friend" when really she's just trying to get dirt on me, she backstabs, blackmails(rarely), gossips (well naturally), she's told me to kill myself a couple of times. And me who is too nice to complain or give her hints that i didn't want to be friends, accepted her "Friendship". It was a toxic one sure, but i didn't say anything. Even when she criticized everything that i did, and took every chance she could to put me down. Thinking back, im not sure how i got out of it, but in the future (if im alive) I'll probably have an abusive boyfriend or something 
          	But back to the story, when i said that i knew Karen the kid's like "Do you think she's a bitch?" And im like "Well yeah, sort of." Then he asked "Do you ever want to beat her up?" I said sometimes i do, and started to ride home he asked me who i was and i said that i was a nobody (Wich is true) and he called me a slut
          	And me being the dumbest person on Earth, believed it. So i went home, found my razor and stared at it. I tried to cut the word slut on my thigh and that didn't work, it just hurt. But i was tired of being clean so i just cut normal lines on my other one, it barely hurt it really felt nice though


Mwa~ Thank you for adding our Kenma's story! We're working on updates as much as we can. -Atsumu Miya.


@pu55yd3str0yer5 Hehe, okiee~ And it's np!! <3


(it was the sangwoo one, but kenma made it. <3)


                MUCH FOR THE FOLLOW,
                DEARESTTT (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡


@-sugarush ITt's nothing,I just love your books so much! They're really enjoyable to read and you probably saw me add them to my list;; Oh well, your writing is amazing so you deserve it! ╰(*°▽°*)╯


this message may be offensive
So like, yesterday i do my daily bike ride
          Lmao seeing and reading this?
          Ima just talk and rant to myself
          So like, yesterday i do my daily bike ride
          And there was this kid i didn't know, he asked me about another kid i didn't know. When i said that i didn't know anyone by that name, he asked me about the biggest drama queen in my grade.
          Ima just name her Karen
          So he asked me if i knew Karen, Karen is also a bitch, a slut (she's dated like, 20 different guys. Older and younger) she puts me deeper into depression most of the time
          She's pretended to be my "Best friend" when really she's just trying to get dirt on me, she backstabs, blackmails(rarely), gossips (well naturally), she's told me to kill myself a couple of times. And me who is too nice to complain or give her hints that i didn't want to be friends, accepted her "Friendship". It was a toxic one sure, but i didn't say anything. Even when she criticized everything that i did, and took every chance she could to put me down. Thinking back, im not sure how i got out of it, but in the future (if im alive) I'll probably have an abusive boyfriend or something 
          But back to the story, when i said that i knew Karen the kid's like "Do you think she's a bitch?" And im like "Well yeah, sort of." Then he asked "Do you ever want to beat her up?" I said sometimes i do, and started to ride home he asked me who i was and i said that i was a nobody (Wich is true) and he called me a slut
          And me being the dumbest person on Earth, believed it. So i went home, found my razor and stared at it. I tried to cut the word slut on my thigh and that didn't work, it just hurt. But i was tired of being clean so i just cut normal lines on my other one, it barely hurt it really felt nice though


AYEEE HELLOOO THANK YOU FOR VOTING AND COMMENTING ON MY STORY- i can see your classy culture and taste just from your username and conversations. ThatS aLL! HavE a GreaT dayYyyy~~


@LavenderTaint omg your  welcome, I love your story's also. I can't wait for updates, keep up the good work!!!


Thank you so much for the follow! I really appreciate it! o((*^▽^*))o


@Beefcupcakes You're welcome! I really appreciate the appreciation!! ~((- √ - )) ~