Eid Mubarak, to everyone celebrating (me included too lol)! :DDD
Reading Lists
Eid Mubarak, to everyone celebrating (me included too lol)! :DDD
Eid Mubarak, to everyone celebrating (me included too lol)! :DDD
I have deducted that you're reading prefrence is more on the creepy, psychotic side....? How off am I?
@OneDirectionZillas huh. Not bad. I actually don't read psychotic stuff often but if it's well written, has an amazing plot and I can read the first 3-10 (depending on book length) without any issues then I'll read it
@Bangtan_Kitty Mmm... yes... well, kinda. Depends if the synopsis and prologue are good and got me into it. How off you are? Ehh, I give it a 3/10 XD
Happy Lunar New Year to those who are celebrating! :D Just remember to follow the SOPs, wash and sanitize your hands, wear your masks, and don't bring along toddlers and old people in crowded areas. Stay safe and healthy always :)
Can I ask you all something? If a person kills, murders, r*pes, does grooming, sexual assault, does child porn, etc. on purpose, and that person admits that they have mental problems, should they get away with it or should be arrested regardless? I tried asking around people I know, but none even wanna respond to my question (idk, I asked this since last night around 9 something but nobody responded at all lol). Because some people do get away with it, and some got arrested for it. Should they (the killer, r*pist, abuser, etc.) really blame their mental health problems for causing the mess? Any thoughts about this?
@OneDirectionZillas Hmm. . .I think they should get arrested. They did it on purpose & admitted, but blames it on mental issue, that means they KNEW they had a mental issue, however DID NOT seek for professional help, and let it do whatever, making it go out of control, then that’s their own fault. They should still get the help they need in prison (if they have any).
@OneDirectionZillas In personal opinion, that just proves they are guilty of so and it still should be put under trial of the law (Court Case and such). But there is the problem of self incrimination that can kinda free a person- which can be worrisome. So, I would say yes, the person should get arrested because it is a sick, horrendous crime to do any of those, but if they are arrested and not put for life or a 50 year+ hold, then they should be able to receive mental treatment in prison.
Can hardly believe Mini Ladd still has his platform on YT (and on other platforms as well). His jokes seem forced, he makes weird sounds just to make it funny, and all of the overreactions are just... cringe wtf. You can tell by his newer videos where he just looks like he's hiding himself or like ignoring the disgusting things he did (and possibly does in secret, but we don't know that but I still hate him for playing the victim). But funnily enough, I watched from a video somewhere about him moving to Texas, and he's just... asking himself a death wish lol
@shakira_always04 Because his subs are his massive supporters, be it adults and youngsters. But some of them, mainly kids, like his cringy meme stream and reactions whatnot. He might've also bought his subs too, since it kept going down many times but it rises up... slowly *sigh*
@OneDirectionZillas i never really watched him. He seemed weird to me out of the bunch, ya know? And here he is , shake my head. How does he still have so much subscribers?
@SecurinTape Yeah, when he first became a YTber he was in college at that time. Until he dropped out somehow (got this from his earliest #AskMini vids, if I'm not mistaken)
I get it Wattpad, ya need the money but why put ads in-between people's books even if they don't want to? At least get us not-famous writers paid lmao XD (Also, before anyone jumps into saying that "You should buy Wattpad Premium cuz it has less ads/no ads", not EVERYONE can afford it. I mean, some are having a hard time facing the working world and some are still in schools. And I didn't even include yet for those whose parents' are strict af and would complain or anything about their children wanting to buy things)
I know I'm late but... damn, Delirious' baby has been delivered... I got mix feelings about this lmao I mean, it's not that I hate the situation, or even his gf, but... idk...
@OneDirectionZillas I have hostile feelings for BBS, now I even call them ‘Toxic Crew’. But I don’t know how Brock is off camera, being a father, so he might be a good dad, but who knows. However, whenever they use Connor or a kid in the title, video, I just feel pedophila vibe, because of you know. . . Though, it’s still my opinion. Sorry
@SecurinTape It's okay if it's your opinion. I was just wondering about it becuz I'm taking a hiatus from the BBS, though I would be in like there and disappear again XD But dang, that sounds... idk... something else...
@OneDirectionZillas Nothing, it’s just my opinion. He does use his daughter for what I feel like clickbait. She got a little toxic already, according to title. It’s not 100% fact, but like I said, it’s my opinion
I just went through my "Oops! Hi!" book and I've never seen myself cringing at it XD
@OneDirectionZillas I feel the same when I read my own one-shots. The spelling/grammar errors are the worst! XD
Man, after watching Mini Ladd's "clearing the air" video, can he just, I don't know, stop trying to defend himself and just say SORRY, AND CHANGE? The more he keeps saying that he's innocent, the more he's gonna keep preying on minors. He admitted that he's a predator. He admitted he sent nudes to minors. There are proofs of him abusing Sami, and is shown to manipulating people. Him changing for better? Nah, he's clearly running away and not caring to improve himself. Just GROW TF UP, CRAIG. And for those who are still supporting him, just so you know you're helping out a paedophile, an abuser, a manipulator, and a fricking liar. Also, if you're still supportive of him, GET TF OUT AND UNFOLLOW ME NOW.
@Jadenixty I used to look up to him too, watching the videos where he makes his deep voices and singing random songs out of nowhere. It was until his content is just getting very boring, and he's trying hard to be funny and not to mention the repeated jokes and memes and same old thing over and over again... And then adding up with the many dramas he's gotten into, playing the victim and blaming his mental health for causing it, I mean, THAT just not it.
@VelvetSky12 Pedophilia is definitely a BIG FAT NONO. Like seriously? He admits he grooms minors and yet he just seems cool with it? This man needs to be in jail ASAP.
Can people just stop starting fanwars?? Like, yeah, I get it. Your preferable artist is 1D, your preferable artist is BTS, your preferable singer is Justin, "oHoHoHo I'm learning Korean unlike yall who are SpEaKiNg EngLish UwU", etc., But can you just please STOP this "I'm not like the other girls" trait? It's getting very annoying and well, a lot of people do have the same interests as you. Ye ain't the only female person who has interests for this, interests for that. I really hate certain toxic fandoms that are purposely trying to start fanwars, and I'm sure even the artists or people behind the fandoms do not want for any arguments to happen. I used to be a Directioner and I still am till now, but they're on their hiatus and focusing more on their solo careers and it's not wrong for you to be their solo stans too. Right now, it's BTS' time to shine; I mean, not a lot of Asian-continent artists could reach this far with their success. This just means that these two bands have their own 'golden age' in the music industry; kinda like The Beatles, Queen, Bigbang, and many more. Both of these two giant bands have their own uniqeness, have their own styles, have their own things that make them seem special to the fans. So please, if you ever called yourself a "Directioner", an "Army", or basically a "fan" of someone, just stop being toxic, stop being too overly sensitive about fandom inside jokes, and stop from causing any fight between fandoms. It's really getting out of hand.
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