
Medical update: I was at my pulmonologist on Friday (he is my doctor for my lungs) and I got a stress test done. If you have never had one, it's where they hook you up to a bunch of machines and have you walk/run on a treadmill for as long as you can then test your breathing right after.
          	For me, it was torture. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma a long time ago, but on Friday, we found out that wasn't what it was. My doctor said that it most likely had to do with my vocal chords, so the inhalers that I have been taking weren't doing anything to help. Basically, when I breathe in, I'm not getting enough oxygen.
          	He is sending me to a speech therapist to see if that doctor will be able to train me to open my vocal chords so I can breathe better. She will probably scope me and if she can't help, then my pulmonologist will scope me, too. He'll go much further, down into my lungs and check if I have an infection or anything. His procedure won't happen until May.
          	My GI doctor (he works with my stomach) had me get an MRI last Friday and we haven't heard anything back. He said that something in my brain could be causing the problem in my stomach, he also wanted to check because of my increased headaches. If the MRI doesn't show anything, he ALSO wants to scope me. If all my doctors worked for the same hospital, they could do it all at once, but it's three separate places so I will most likely have to go through it three times.
          	I'm on a whole bunch of new medications that are trying to help (but failing) and they have run more tests than I can count on one hand. I am hoping that all of this will be resolved soon so that I can continue writing on a regular basis, but you never know. A new chapter for each of the books will hopefully be posted sometime this week, so I'll let you know if there is any new information.
          	I love you guys!
          	-Melanie XOXO


Hey, I hope your doing well,can you pleaseee continue I’m a superstars baby -Niall Horan fan fiction. I am in love with the story and I have no idea why they’re are such less votes on each chapter,anyways lots of love and I hope you continue the story ❤️❤️


Medical update: I was at my pulmonologist on Friday (he is my doctor for my lungs) and I got a stress test done. If you have never had one, it's where they hook you up to a bunch of machines and have you walk/run on a treadmill for as long as you can then test your breathing right after.
          For me, it was torture. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma a long time ago, but on Friday, we found out that wasn't what it was. My doctor said that it most likely had to do with my vocal chords, so the inhalers that I have been taking weren't doing anything to help. Basically, when I breathe in, I'm not getting enough oxygen.
          He is sending me to a speech therapist to see if that doctor will be able to train me to open my vocal chords so I can breathe better. She will probably scope me and if she can't help, then my pulmonologist will scope me, too. He'll go much further, down into my lungs and check if I have an infection or anything. His procedure won't happen until May.
          My GI doctor (he works with my stomach) had me get an MRI last Friday and we haven't heard anything back. He said that something in my brain could be causing the problem in my stomach, he also wanted to check because of my increased headaches. If the MRI doesn't show anything, he ALSO wants to scope me. If all my doctors worked for the same hospital, they could do it all at once, but it's three separate places so I will most likely have to go through it three times.
          I'm on a whole bunch of new medications that are trying to help (but failing) and they have run more tests than I can count on one hand. I am hoping that all of this will be resolved soon so that I can continue writing on a regular basis, but you never know. A new chapter for each of the books will hopefully be posted sometime this week, so I'll let you know if there is any new information.
          I love you guys!
          -Melanie XOXO


HI love ❤️ I just started reading Afterwards and I absolutely love your writing ❤️ :) When are you gonna update?
          Also, would you please read my Niall Horan fanfiction, Happy Mistakes. And please vote ❤️ and comment your opinion please.  :) 
          It would mean so much to me. 
          Thanks love 


@tweedle24 I'm planning on updating everything this weekend and of course! Thank you very much :)


AH! I missed the 200 screenshot! D: thank you all!! I know that I haven't posted anything recently, with school starting up, I have been a WRECK, I barely even have time to do the homework I have :( My internet hasn't been working for like two weeks (I'm such a rebel sitting outside by friend's door to steal her internet XD), I don't know how I have been living without it haha, but I'm having a guy come in and fix it tomorrow, hopefully it will all be better. Thank you all so much and I love you!!! <3


I'm super sorry everyone!! My mum decided to take us on a surprise camping trip - which means I didn't have time to pre-write anything and I'm out of cellphone service, not to mention I don't have my computer with me. At the moment, we're in a museum, so I'll try to squeeze in some writing whenever I get service. Sorry, again! I love you guys! XOXO