I’m alive. For those of us that like my KidxLaw fanfics, this is for you. I have posted a rewritten version of Fight or Flight. I also took the time to make it a full and complete rewrite so that you guys don’t have to wait forever for me to come out with this chapter by tedious chapter. My writing has changed through the years and I wanted to redo one of my favorite shorter stories again, so this is the 2024 rewrite of a 2016 fic. Love to all! OneHellofaGrell ❤️

@OneHellofaGrell this notification sent me to heaven (in a good way. Still sounds bad outta context) IM SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE AND WELL IM VERY HAPPY TO SEE ONE OF MY FAVORITE FANFICS EVER TO EXIST ON THIS PLATFORM HAS RETURNED AAAAAAAA

@ OneHellofaGrell yei!!!!!! Thanks for the news, I'm so happy to see you around ❤️