Announcement ---
I'll just face it, this has been coming for a while.
Life is getting busier, more demanding, and Wattpad has lost its charm for me.
This app has been so much for me. I've met so many people, learned so many things, and discovered my love for writing here, but these days, clicking on the orange icon is a half-hearted gesture. I guess it's time to move on.
I won't be using Wattpad very often anymore, if even. I may check in once in a few months for the sake of it, but it's definitely not a platform I'll be active on. As for writing, I will keep pursuing it, but for the time being, not here.
As for roleplays, my book is closed. There's like four people I want to continue roleplaying with, and I will be getting in responses to them as soon as I can, though there will be delays. There's some sticky spots in my personal life as well as progression in general, and as much as I don't like it, my free time is severely cut short.
Maybe someday I'll come back fully to this platform - perhaps with a finished book in hand.