[Revision notes 1, 16/10/18: Revamped chapters 1-3]
[Revision notes 2, 13/11/18: Chapter 4 and 5 are out!!]
[Revision notes 3, 18/11/18: Chapter 6 is out! But slightly lengthy, I kinda like the lengthier format, so I'm going to update the previous chapters (once again) to make them longer and more interesting, so that there's better world building.]
[Revision notes 4, 22/11/18: Revamed chapters 2 and 3 to make them longer, as promised. Will work on chapter 7 next!]
[Revision notes 5, 28/11/18: Chapter 7 is out, dialogue format has been changed slightly after I've read an interesting article on it. Will improve the rest of the chapters with it soon]
[Revision notes 6, 5/12/18: Revamped previous chapters, improved on dialogue and corrected a few grammar mistakes. The revision notes are getting a little lengthy, maybe I'll create a link to it instead of this next time. Also, next update will probably be chapter 8]
[Revision notes 7, 7/12/18: Huh, I realised there’s a conversation tab. Maybe I’ll just put the patch notes there. Also, chapter 8 is out. I think I’ll work on chapter 9 next...]