
I've had so many changes in my life. I'm okay and not dead, I promise. ♡ I'll give you lovelies the update you deserve soon. It seems as if the universe has blocked out my creativity/imagination so I could learn about things in the real world for once. It's kind of scary, but It's interesting. Thank you for waiting so patiently whilst I walk upon my journey and figure it all out to the best of my ability. Being a human is tough. Especially an adult human.


I’m glad you’re alright! Sorry for the late reply, been on and off with pretty much everything as of late. Being a human IS tough, and it’s super cool that you’re being so strong and pushing through. I think that’s really impressive. Take your time on the update! I’m glad you’re doing okay, hope the universe treats you well :)


Hey again! I’ve been scrolling through my old posts and found some of your old comments and it brought me here. How are you? :)


@OneMonochromeKid Man life is weird, but I think I’m doing okay. Pretty similar to you haha, just figuring things out, hanging on by threads but definitely hanging on! Thanks for asking!


@OneMonochromeKid oh no worries, life is a lot of work and it’s a good thing that you’re working through it all, its pretty tough tbh. I’m glad you’re doing alright! Sometimes hanging in there is the most you can ask for and it’s not too bad. Whenever you’re ready to come back, I’ll be here!


I've had so many changes in my life. I'm okay and not dead, I promise. ♡ I'll give you lovelies the update you deserve soon. It seems as if the universe has blocked out my creativity/imagination so I could learn about things in the real world for once. It's kind of scary, but It's interesting. Thank you for waiting so patiently whilst I walk upon my journey and figure it all out to the best of my ability. Being a human is tough. Especially an adult human.


I’m glad you’re alright! Sorry for the late reply, been on and off with pretty much everything as of late. Being a human IS tough, and it’s super cool that you’re being so strong and pushing through. I think that’s really impressive. Take your time on the update! I’m glad you’re doing okay, hope the universe treats you well :)


A tireless and viscious evening, it is.
          As dawn breaks, my mind continues to slosh around in circles inside of my skull.
          Distrations and trinkets galore.
          I wonder if I'm the only one who's lying awake tonight.
          I wonder if they wonder, too..
          My weary soul kisses my pipe, inhailing clouds of calm. 
          "Be still." 
          Whispered my mind.
          "Rest now." 
          Whispered the spirits.
          "Find peace."
          Whispered the universe.


Ohh, this is interesting. I sort of relate to it, I like the way you worded this, it makes it so mysterious but so easily relatable and understood at the same time


Hello!! I just wanted to check in on how you were doing, I noticed you haven’t posted in a bit. Doing okay?


Aw, that’s so nice. I appreciate that. I’m grateful to have you too! Anytime <3


@pxinted-lovejoy Thank you so much! You are such a good friend. ♡ I really appreciate you looking out for me. I'm so greatful!! ☆ You're an angel. ☆


Anytime!  It’s no problem. I’m really sorry about how you’ve been feeling and how things have been going for you. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better, I hope things continue to look up for you. Don’t stress over the book, take all the time you need. I’m open to talk if you ever need to, I’m always here <3


I saw in your bio that it said “Gratitude is my everyday attitude” and I thought it said “Genocide is my everyday attitude” I’m-


Can I just say:
           oh my god, I'm so glad. :')
          Thank ya'll so much! ♡♡♡
          Yes, my children, yessssss!


I think it’s doing really great so far! You’re doing a great job :))


@OneMonochromeKid Thank you so so very much!  I am so greatful. It's my first time writing anything like this and I just- aaaahh. Thank you!  I put so much ♡ and time into it, and I really wanna make it awesome!!! 


Aww you’re welcome! I really like your book, I think it’s really good! :D


Hello friends,
          It has come to my attention that I haven't written much within the past few months. 
          To answer any questions; yes! I am planning on continuing my story. I have been recovering from surgery, and I got sick not too long after with a viral infection. I do not have a working spleen, so it's difficult to recover. I'm going to be okay, though and plan on posting content soon! ♡ thank you for your patience.


I want to continue my Eyeless story and make an update either today or tomorrow, but things have been kind of crazy the past few days. :'(
          My best friend has had cancer and I've been spending a lot of time with them. The surgery is over and the cancer is out now, so ill be spending a lot of time with them while they recover. ♡ im going to try to fit in an update here soon! Im sorry, and thank you for your patience.  ♡


That’s okay! I completely understand that you’d want to spend time with them, i wish the best of luck for their recovery from it all and take all the time you need!