
          	Hi! So, I would love to start a portfolio on articles and add it to my works- but I want to know what you'd like to read about! PM me or leave a message below suggesting what I should start with; whether it be a problem, tips, a random topic, something that annoys you (Me? Dropping your biscuit in a mug of tea...) or anything you'd like to read about! Thanks :)


Dropping your biscuit in a cup of tea. Can you write about that?


          Hi! So, I would love to start a portfolio on articles and add it to my works- but I want to know what you'd like to read about! PM me or leave a message below suggesting what I should start with; whether it be a problem, tips, a random topic, something that annoys you (Me? Dropping your biscuit in a mug of tea...) or anything you'd like to read about! Thanks :)


Dropping your biscuit in a cup of tea. Can you write about that?