Hey hun
Thanks a lot for taking the time to drop by Whispered kiss and for voting on it. I'm extremely grateful and hope that you're enjoying the story and will continue to enjoy it.
Have an amazing day and Happy Reading ^_^
I just wanted to thank you for your support for my story. I really appreciate that you took the time to not only read my story but to vote on it as well :) You're amazing!!!
Hey! thank you so much for all of the votes! I really hope you're enjoying FamilyOfSecrets. feel free to pm or comment anytime! I love hearing from my lovelies! :)
Hahaha, that's ok! I know some people prefer to be more of the silent type... which I must admit, that's totally me! Thanks for the follow and and the reply!!! :)
No problem, I love FamilyOfSecrets! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you, I'm so involved in all of the stories in Wattpad, I often forget that you can contact people on it too! So I never really check my messages. Sorry!
Hey Ashley~Thanx so much for choosing to follow me. I write across about half of the WP genres so I hope you will finds some reads you really like--especially fantasy. Please feel free to PM me anytime with comments or questions. I really like to hea from my readers and learn about them in the process.
Let's stay connected!
Thanks for contacting me! Your the first Author that has reached out to me! I'm glad to know that you are dedicated to your books and readers!