@ShannonAdaGrainger thankyou so much gorgeous girl! You honestly have no idea what your message means! You couldn't have said anything more meaningful to me on a day like today when the kids are driving me insane and I'm trying to write more chapters! Congratulations on your baby sister!!! Seriously inbox me I wanna know about your little sis xx
Hey ive been reading your book for about a week and i got to page 50 today is the book over/ what day do u update normally i love your btw i think zayn should stay in it but thats imho :)
OMG!!!! You are one of the best writers on Wattpad! Honestly how do you do find the time to write with two kids! I can barely juggle school! You are so inspiring! Keep on writing and never give up! Good luck to you and your family!
@ShannonAdaGrainger thankyou so much gorgeous girl! You honestly have no idea what your message means! You couldn't have said anything more meaningful to me on a day like today when the kids are driving me insane and I'm trying to write more chapters! Congratulations on your baby sister!!! Seriously inbox me I wanna know about your little sis xx
I just started reading your story on either Friday or Saturday just gone and already finished to where you left off! But hun! Love it! I can honestly say for a teen mum! I am proud of you:)! Also keep going with what you love to do! Update soon as you can! No rush!I know what it's like coz my mum had my sister 8 weeks ago and she's a pain in the arse but that's kids for you and it does come a bit better when they are a little grown up to the toddler age! But it's still hard! xox
@applejack25 really?! Im finding it hard to believe people are enjoying it. I have heaps of chapters written on my phone its just a matter of typing them out again! Ill post soon xxx