Guys, I'm feeling burnt out. I've tried to stick with Prison of Colors and finish it, but I think I need some variety in order to find the inspiration to start really writing again. I find a lot of inspiration in Skyrim, so I might do something short on that. Or maybe a series of short stories for that. I've also been doing a lot of work with worldbuilding on a different thing. Some of you may remember The Dragon Star from the early, early days of my account. The original plot and design was highly flawed and I didn't know where I was going with it at all, but the basic idea of that has been floating around in my head for years, so I decided to finally write it all down. This is an original story that I hope to one day publish. While I love fanfiction with all my heart, I just can't make any money off of it. I'm starting to need money for college and I can't really afford to spend that much time on something that doesn't earn me anything. I'm also looking at moving to a different site. I would leave all my stuff here that's here, but any updates would be in the other site. Do any of you have recommendations for a site that I could go to where I could possibly set up an artist/ author account and maybe monetize it? If any of you have any, please tell me. I just am tired of doing work and never getting payed for it. Requests are exhausting and not worth it for me anymore. Anyways, sorry about my little rant. You may carry on ;)